Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beyond The Hundredth Meridian

Stegner Pg. 256
Qoute- "For however sympathetically or even sentimentally a white American viewed the Indian, the industrial culture was ceratin to eat away at the tribal cultures like lye...What destroyed the Indian was not primarily political greed, land hunger, or military power, not the white man's germs or the white man's rum. What destroyed him was the manufactured products of a culture, iron and steel, guns, needles, woolen cloth, things that once posessed could not be done without."
Response- Stegner's observation can easily be applied to the present. Many times society believes industrial progression is necessary for the good of the country. However, progression can alter or eliminate what is already a well working system. Like the Native Americans who once introduced to guns left the arrow, society now prefers electronic communication instead of face to face interaction. Stegner states, "...things that once posessed could not be done without." This is the same with cell phones, e-mail, internet or any other technological advancement. It is interesting and somewhat alarming how Stegner's statement is so fitting for today's society.

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