Friday, April 30, 2010

A Sand County Almanac

Leopold pg. 36
Qoute- "The woodcock is a living refutation of the theory that the utility of a game bird is to serve as a target, or to pose gracefully on a slice of toast. No one would rather hunt woodcock in October than I, but since learning of the sky dance I find myself calling one or two birds enough. I must be sure that, come April, there be no dearth of dancers in the sunset sky."
Response- This statement is discussing only the woodcock, however it can be applied to any creature or the enviornment. After learning of the sky dance performed by the woodcock, the author gained a new apprecation for the bird. Appreciation can also mean that he became a little more educated about the creature. The hunter can rationalize that they are killing an animal for some reason other than sport, but do they truly have a good reason. A student in class mentioned how there is no need to go out and kill since there is food readily available at the grocery store. Yes, there is no need to go out hunting for our food, but someone had to have done so to provide it to the store. The reality is that much of society consumes meat and it is difficult to change everyone. Yet, if society is provided the opportunity to be educated about the enviornment and the creatures living in it, a hunter or two may stop and think before shooting.

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